Reading Time Calculator
Analyze your text to determine its readability score and grade level
Understanding the readability of your text is crucial for effective communication. Whether you're writing educational content, marketing materials, or technical documents, ensuring your text matches your audience's reading level will maximize engagement and comprehension.
Higher scores indicate text is easier to read. Lower scores suggest text is more complex. Scores typically range from 0-100, with 60-70 considered acceptable for most audiences.
Indicates the U.S. grade level needed to understand the text. For general audiences, aim for 7-8.
Estimates years of formal education needed to understand text on first reading. For most audiences, aim for scores of 12 or below.
Measures text by character count rather than syllables. Gives the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text.
Estimates years of education needed to understand text. Often used for health materials. A score of 6-8 is usually recommended.
Characters per word and words per sentence determine this score. Provides grade level needed to comprehend text.
Based on familiar words and sentence length. Score of 5-6 suggests content suitable for 5th-6th grade students.
Designed to assess primary school texts. Compares text against a defined list of everyday words.
Different content types and audiences require different readability levels:
To get the most accurate readability assessment: